Internet Science - Second International Conference, INSCI 2015, Brussels, Belgium, May 27-29, 2015, Proceedings In Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Edited by Thanassis Tiropanis, Athena Vakali, Laura Sartori and Pete Burnap. Vol. 9089. 9089. Springer, 2015.
MultiSpot: Spotting Sentiments with Semantic Aware Multilevel Cascaded Analysis." In Big Data Analytics and Knowledge Discovery, edited by Sanjay Kumar Madria and Takahiro Hara, 337-350. Vol. 9263. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 9263. Springer International Publishing, 2015.
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Presentation (488.64 KB)

ND-SYNC: Detecting Synchronized Fraud Activities." In Advances in Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining, 19th Pacific-Asia Conference, PAKDD 2015, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam, May 19-22, 2015, Proceedings, Part II, 201–214., 2015.
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Dataset (1.96 MB)
Presentation (2.16 MB)

New Trends in Database and Information Systems II - Selected papers of the 18th East European Conference on Advances in Databases and Information Systems and Associated Satellite Events, ADBIS 2014 Ohrid, Macedonia, September 7-10, 2014 Proceedings II In Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, Edited by Nick Bassiliades, Mirjana Ivanovic, Margita Kon-Popovska, Yannis Manolopoulos, Themis Palpanas, Goce Trajcevski and Athena Vakali. Vol. 312. 312. Springer, 2015.
Retweeting Activity on Twitter: Signs of Deception." In PAKDD (1), edited by Tru Cao, Ee-Peng Lim, Zhi-Hua Zhou, Tu-Bao Ho, David Cheung and Hiroshi Motoda, 122-134. Vol. 9077. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 9077. Springer, 2015.
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Dataset+RTGEN code (116.02 MB)
Presentation (2.41 MB)

User communities evolution in microblogs: A public awareness barometer for real world events." World Wide Web (2015): 1269-1299.
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Web Information Systems Engineering - WISE 2014 Workshops - 15th International Workshops IWCSN 2014, Org2 2014, PCS 2014, and QUAT 2014, Thessaloniki, Greece, October 12-14, 2014, Revised Selected Papers In Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Edited by Boualem Benatallah, Azer Bestavros, Barbara Catania, Armin Haller, Yannis Manolopoulos, Athena Vakali and Yanchun Zhang. Vol. 9051. 9051. Springer, 2015.
Cloud-based architectures for Geo-located blogosphere dynamics detection." Smart Cities (2016).
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Early Malicious Activity Discovery in Microblogs by Social Bridges Detection." Limassol, Cyprus: 16th International Symposium on Signal Processing and Information Technology, 2016.
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A multi-layer software architecture framework for adaptive real-time analytics." In Workshop on Real-time & Stream Analytics in Big Data. Washington D.C., 2016.
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PerSaDoR: Personalized social document representation for improving web search." Information Sciences 369 (2016): 614-633.
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Smart Cities Tales and Trails." In Internet Science - Third International Conference, INSCI 2016, Florence, Italy, September 12-14, 2016, Proceedings., 2016.
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Presentation (13.34 MB)

CityDNA: Smart City Dimensions' Correlations for Identifying Urban Profile In WWW (Companion Volume). Perth, Australia: ACM, 2017.
PDF (1.94 MB)

Class-based Prediction Errors to Categorize Text with Out-of-vocabulary Words. ALW1'17. Vancouver, Canada, 2017.
Paper (211.93 KB)

Detecting Aggressors and Bullies on Twitter In Proceedings of the 26th International Conference on World Wide Web Companion. WWW '17 Companion. Perth, Australia: ACM, 2017.
PDF (166.61 KB)
Poster (876.34 KB)

Detecting Variation of Emotions in Online Activities." Expert Systems with Applications 89 (2017): 318-332.
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DynamiCITY : Revealing city dynamics from citizens social media broadcasts." Information Systems (2017): -.
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Experience of emotion in face to face and computer-mediated social interactions: An event sampling study." Computers in Human Behavior 76 (2017): 287-293.
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Hate is not Binary: Studying Abusive Behavior of #GamerGate on Twitter. HT '17. Prague, Czech Republic: ACM, 2017.
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Presentation (1.52 MB)

Mean Birds: Detecting Aggression and Bullying on Twitter. WebSci '17. Troy, NY, USA: ACM, 2017.
PDF (1.45 MB)
Dataset (86.79 KB)
Presentation (2.61 MB)

Measuring #GamerGate: A Tale of Hate, Sexism, and Bullying In Proceedings of the 26th International Conference on World Wide Web Companion. WWW '17 Companion. Perth, Australia: ACM, 2017.
PDF (1.07 MB)
Presentation (1.04 MB)

Sentiment analysis leveraging emotions and word embeddings." Expert Systems with Applications 69 (2017): 214-224.
PDF (798.98 KB)
Vol4All: A Volunteering Platform to Drive Innovation and Citizens Empowerment In WWW (Companion Volume). Perth, Australia: ACM, 2017.
PDF (1.79 MB)

Large Scale Crowdsourcing and Characterization of Twitter Abusive Behavior. ICWSM-18. Stanford, California: AAAI, 2018.
PDF (719.34 KB)

Smart Cities at Risk!: Privacy and Security Borderlines from Social Networking in Cities. WWW ’18 Companion . Lyon, France: ACM, 2018.
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